How it works
Upload your photos
Upload one or more photos and select your style.
Our artists create your masterpiece
Our world-class Artists combine and create a single beautiful portrait from your photos.
Approve your artwork & we ship it (FREE)
Get your artwork preview within 2-3 days and ask for revisions. Only after you approve, we ship it fast and free.
We’re sure you’ll like it, but if you don’t we offer 100% money back guarantee.
Customer Stories

Suzy M
This portrait is so special to me. The detail and quality is outstanding.

Riley P
Got dad a portrait made of him and mom. He loved it so much!

Tracy D
I never knew a service like this existed! EpicPaint - thank you.

Noah M
We were looking for a way to cherish Kyle’s 2nd B-Day. This custom portrait really helped us.

Amy P
I was shocked how easy and fast they delivered my portrait!

Jenn A
We lost Daisy in 2018 and I really wanted to remember her in a very special way. It is perfect.

Brett M
Trace loves this moment, and EpicPaint helped us cherish it forever.

Nia L
The quality of my portrait came out amazing!
See our latest Masterpieces

100% Money Back Guaranteed
Here at EpicPaint, we work extremely hard to make sure you will just love your custom Portrait.
Therefore, if you are not satisfied, you can apply our one-time money back guaranteed, available within 30 days of receipt of your order.